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Friday 19 May 2023

Last Safe Air Argosy

Last Safe Air Argosy flight

Straits Air Freight Express (SAFE Air) was a mainstay of cross Cook Strait air services for decades.  Part of its service over the years is the little known New Zealand Railways Air Services which survived until 1983, but SAFE Air was a key air freight provider beyond that. In 1972 SAFE Air was bought by the National Airways Corporation (NAC), so it was inherited by Air New Zealand.  The Argosy fleet operated from 1968 primarily longer distance freight flights, and for some time (1982-1990) operated passenger services to the Chatham Islands with a custom built pressurised passenger capsule. 

As a Wellingtonian, the sound of the two Armstrong Whitworth Argosy's was a mainstay of SAFE Air services, distinct from the older noisier Bristol Freighters, with their distinct appearance and gentle drone. 

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