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Saturday 22 April 2023

Purpose of this blog

Welcome to this eclectic blog which contains snippets of New Zealand airline history almost entirely from the 1970s-1990s (with some elements before and after). It comes from my personal archive of material I have obtained since childhood and periodically in my travels since, and my interest in ensuring it is available to anyone with a wider interest in the topic.

It ranges from newspaper clippings, to timetables, leaflets and other items I have collected. With each item, I will write a little about why I think it is of historic significance, or how I got it (if that matters).

It has a focus on Wellington, where I grew up, but the generosity of umpteen people who knew I had this interest in my childhood saw me receive a range of objects that may be of interest.  I apologise in advance for some materials which are undated, as I was too young to realise that this might matter at a later date.

Any feedback is welcome. The order of what I post will depend both on when items are found as I go through boxes of stuff (so there may be no date order to anything), and how busy I am otherwise, so there will be days and weeks between posts from time to time.

I also intend to set up similar blogs for other modes of transport I have an interest in, including railways, roads, shipping and urban public transport. I also have a small number of items from foreign airlines, mostly Australia, and will set up a separate blog for those in due course.

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